Monday, September 17, 2012

Earrings are a woman's best friend...

...especially when you can make them yourself!!

So this entry is a tad different in that I don't have an exact pattern or instructions for my post (unless you have questions that I can answer). What I do have are some cool earrings that I've made over the past year for myself and some other folks.

Let's start with the ones that I could consider the nerdiest! These were all made using printable Shrinky Dinks. I swear by these things once you've gotten a handle on cutting them in their thinner, pre-cooked stage and then figure out the perfect temp for your oven. I have it down to a science, if I do say so myself!
TARDIS earrings, second attempt! By this time I've gotten much better at this.
Katamari Prince and Princess! This one required a lot of intricate cutting.
I'd be remiss to not make a set of Mrs. Pac Man earrings. More creative wire bending for these ones.
Navi & Link's shield as a gift for a friend.
The graphic designer in me color coordinated these pantone swatch earrings!

Let's take a quick break from Shrinky Dink earrings to see a D20 set I made (with the drill skills of my hubby). I plan on making another set with some amazing D20s as soon as I learn to bend the wire around the dice.

I roll crits every time I wear these dice!

I'll just leave you with some others that I've made with printable Shrinky Dinks. I'm not an expert at wire bending (yet!) but I do have the baking technique down and it's pretty cool when you can make earrings for any outfit and for any interest you have! It should be noted that I don't sell any of these and so I don't usually worry about copyrighted images. If you make earrings using Shrinky Dinks for profit just be careful of laws.
This is the first set I made...these are my puppies. ;-)

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