Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First sewing...that I remember

I've had my sewing machine since at least November 2011. When I'm not so sleepy, I'll post information about what kind I have. Since then, it sat for a while, but there was a time when Crafty Pants (aka Stephanie M.-B.) and I found the coolest pillowcase tutorial and made ourselves some amazing pillowcases. Technically though, this tutorial was so neat that it came with its own charity plug and you could actually make pillowcases and donate them to charity. A local shop near us was collecting them, so it was simple.

The tutorial, as you will see, is as easy as measuring, pinning, and then sewing some straight lines. There is some minor turning inside out, but eventually (and quickly, too) you become a pro. These are the pillowcases that we donated to charity and I believe they were the first things I ever sewed on my machine. In fact, I don't think Crafty Pants (aka Oh Sew Green Machine) even had a sewing machine at the time...seems like so long ago.

You can find the youtube video tutorial here Easy Tube Pillow Case Tutorial. Since then, this tutorial has been a great go to for quick and easy gifts for our friends and family. Enjoy!

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