Friday, June 21, 2013

Hardest project so far...

...and of course it was a gift I don't get to keep for myself. ;-)

I've been sewing for quite a while now but somehow I can't get myself to venture too far from small ticket items. But, for Hanukkah this last year I thought I'd attempt something on a bigger scale. Usually, I have intentions of making things (to save money and put thought into a gift) but they don't always pan out. This one wasn't done in time for the holiday get together, but at least it got done!!

So, without further ado, I present to you the giant bag/purse I made (using this tutorial from Sew4Home: Everything Old is New again Toile Tote)

The whole bag!
My first gathering/ruffle attempt.

Button accents made a colorful addition!

Some inner detailing. There was a pocket and a magnetic closure.

I'm attempting some more purses now that I basically have my life back but I'm going to start with ones that are easier than this!

More posts coming today about other crafting...